Radiowave Quarter
byUJINO 04/06/2018



RADIO RABATOKYOでは『プライウッド新地』の「コマンド・センター」セクションに配置されていたラジオをフィーチャーした新たな映像作品『電波街 (Radiowave Quarter)』(2018年4月7日まで、東京の山本現代にて開催中の個展「Lives in Japan」にて発表)より、オーディオの一部をお送りします。

「『プライウッド新地』ではラジオ1台で受信した放送をライヴでスイッチングしていたが、『電波街 (Radiowave Quarter)』ではライヴ・レコーディングされた4台のラジオの映像(受信中のラジオを撮影したもの)を作品にしている。近代の国民国家がいっぱいいっぱいになっている今、アーティストらしい「国境なんかなくなってしまえばいいのに!」というアナキズムで世界平和のアンセムを短波ラジオのBCLホーム・レコーディングで作っている。なぜなら、電波に国境はないから。」

Cover Image: Courtesy of the artist, YAMAMOTO GENDAI

UJINO is a Japanese contemporary artist and his works have been exhibited in Japan and internationally. One of his recent works “Plywood Shinchi” was shown in Yokohama Triennale 2017 and this large-scale installation he exhibited mixes objects of various materials such as motor-operated home appliance, electric guitar, furniture, art-shipping containers, and lighting equipment. The exhibit then expands into a multi-media installation which holds a variety of components: performance by those appliance, live-streaming, sound, theatrical part with a time axis structure created by synchronically programmed state lighting, all joined by his panel-drawing and the movie.
Featured in the “Command Center” section from “Plywood Shinchi”, in RADIO RABATOKYO, UJINO presents an audio extract from his new work, “Radiowave Quarter” (currently on view in his solo exhibition “Lives in Japan” at Yamamoto Gendai until April 7th, 2018).

In “Plywood Shinchi”, the audio was broadcasted by a single radio when “Radiowave Quarter”, embodies recorded films capturing four radios that each receive different radio signal.  An anarchist and world-peace anthem outputted amidst the overwhelming modern national-state, conveying: “National borders should disappear!”, through shortwave radio using BSL home recording systems. Why? Because borders do not exist in radio waves. ー UJINO

Cover Image: Courtesy of the artist, YAMAMOTO GENDAI

